Accelerating net positive with others

This is what we do to help organizations accelerate their net positive impact.

Creating Data Driven Organizations & Growth Teams

We accelerate organizations ability to design and build products through data insights. On a strategic level and by assessing maturity and setting up growth teams.

Interim Product Management

We take over interim responsibility for products with net positive potential. We build, set directions and help the team find a hyper user centric & data driven way of working.

Strategy via Value Chain & Evolution mapping

We enable organizations create no-nonsense strategies themselves by coaching them through the process with the Wardley mapping framework.

Health & Hygiene 2.0 Business Models & Products

Due to the covid-pandemic we started exploring frameworks and products where there is a big impact to reduce transmission and become profitable at the same time.

Read more here

Building net positive products

We want to build products and organizations that have a positive impact on our community and that can last. 

Strulla - A subscription platform for parents

We are building a platform with a circular business model to increase the life span of kids stuff.

Currently in Beta.

Please sign up at

Community based rural delivery service

We are exploring a service that binds together small rural communities with local stores and restaurants. We both want to decrease emissions and strengthen the bond between neighbours and small communities.

Ping us here if you want to know more
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